Syllables Rhymes Quiz
How many syllables in pirouettes?
316945872 syllablesHow to say pirouettes:
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"pirouettes." How Many Syllables, n.d. Web. 21 November 2024.
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Syllables Rhymes Quiz
What rhymes with pirouettes
1 syllable
- bet's
- debt's
- frets
- jet's
- let's
- letts
- nets
- sets
- threats
- vets
- bets
- debts
- gets
- jets
- lets
- mets
- pets
- sweats
- threave
- wets
2 syllables
- abets
- besets
- brevets
- cadets
- corvettes
- duets
- forgett
- octets
- quartet's
- regrets
- rosettes
- statuettes
- vignettes
- begets
- betso
- brunettes
- cassettes
- diskettes
- forgets
- mettar
- pipettes
- quartets
- resets
- roulettes
- upsets
3 syllables
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Fun FactPennsylvania and Louisiana are the only states with 5 syllables.
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