Let Teachers Teach

  • All contest have been suspended until further notice.
  • Please check back next month.

We want to thank all the selfless teachers who are educating todays youth, the leaders of tomorrow.
We’d like to reward you by giving you a chance to win $250 to spend on your students.
Qualify by telling us how you’d spend the prize money. Let’s make a difference together.
Contest Rules Summary
  • One $250 prize will be awarded to one eligible winner, once per month, every month until 12/31/2020.
  • Prize money must be used to benefit your students.
  • Winners will be picked based on the following critea:
    • Teacher’s passion for helping their students
    • Estimated benefit to students from item(s) to be purchased with prize money
    • Proper grammar
  • You must be a certified teacher.
  • Click here to apply
Past Contest Winners
Full Contest Rules
Fun Fact
The letters in ‘spoon-feed’ are
in reverse alphabetical order.


  • All contest have been suspended until further notice.
  • Please check back next month.

* Required Fields
First Name*
What's your first name?
Last Name*
What's your last name?
Email* - Invalid Email
Phone (optional)
Full Mailing Address*
What's your address?
Name of Your School*
Where do you teach?
Work Title (optional)
Subject & Grade You Teach*
What do you teach?
How would you spend $250 on your students?*
(Tell us in 300 words or less.)

How would the prize money benefit the students?
Tell us about your students and why you love teaching them.*
(Tell us in 150 words or less.)

Tell us about your students.
  I certify that I have read and agree to be bound by the Contest Rules and I am eighteen years of age or older at the time of entry.
Confirm the Below