Syllables Rhymes Quiz
How many syllables in prayers?
378645219 syllablesHow to say prayers:
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"prayers." How Many Syllables, n.d. Web. 21 November 2024.
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Syllables Rhymes Quiz
What rhymes with prayers
1 syllable
- airs
- bares
- blares
- chairs
- errs
- fares
- glares
- hairs
- hares
- lairs
- mare's
- pairs
- pears
- shares
- snarf
- squares
- stares
- tears
- there's
- wears
- where've
- ayres
- bears
- cares
- dares
- fairs
- flares
- hair's
- hare's
- heirs
- mairs
- mares
- pares
- scares
- snares
- spares
- stairs
- swears
- theirs
- wares
- where's
2 syllables
- affairs
- declares
- downstairs
- impairs
- layers
- mayors
- payers
- players
- repairs
- sprayers
- compares
- despairs
- errsyn
- lares
- mayor's
- payer's
- player's
- prepares
- sayers
- upstairs
3 syllables
4 syllables
6 syllables
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