
How many syllables in haiku?

  472698351 syllables

Divide haiku into syllables:   hai-ku
Stressed syllable in haiku:   hai-ku
How to pronounce haiku:   hi-koo
How to say haiku:

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"haiku." HowManySyllables.com. How Many Syllables, n.d. Web. 21 December 2024.

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Define haiku

  1. A Japanese poem consisting of 3 lines and 17 syllables that follows the 5-7-5 format.
  2. The first line must have 5 syllables; the second 7; the third line 5.
  3. A haiku is usually written about nature and must express a mood, thought, or feeling.
  4. Haiku Rules & Examples
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Fun Fact
Spain, France, Greece, & Chad
4 countries, 1 syllable each
Is orange 1 or 2

Synonyms for haiku

1 syllable
  • rhyme
  • verse
2 syllables
  • lyric
  • sonnet
  • poem
  • tanka
3 syllables
  • poetry
    What rhymes with haiku

    2 syllables
    • boo boo
    • muumuu
    • sky-blue
    • you two
    • moo moo
    • psycho
    • woo hoo
    3 syllables
    Ever Wonder
    when you should use
    Were, Where, and We're?

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