Syllables Rhymes Quiz
How many syllables in haftarah?
368479251 syllablesHow to say haftarah:
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"haftarah." How Many Syllables, n.d. Web. 21 November 2024.
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Syllables Rhymes Quiz
What rhymes with haftarah
3 syllables
- abaca
- Adana
- ahimsa
- Andorra
- Antalya
- Astana
- Aymara
- baklava
- brouhaha
- cervelat
- Cumaná
- Directoire
- fedora
- guarana
- haniwa
- Kashiwa
- Kostroma
- ma-and-pa
- Malinois
- Masora
- menorah
- moussaka
- pakeha
- panama
- Paraná
- pas de trois
- pietà
- polenta
- port de bras
- reseda
- senhora
- signora
- tempura
- usquebaugh
- Abdullah
- agora
- aloha
- angora
- assignat
- aurora
- baccarat
- Bogotá
- camorra
- coup d'état
- Delacroix
- entrechat
- feria
- habdalah
- inshallah
- koruna
- la-di-da
- Machida
- Mardi Gras
- Masséna
- Modena
- Oshawa
- Panama
- pandora
- parashah
- persona
- podesta
- polynya
- remora
- rufiyaa
- Shangri-la
- Sonora
- ulema
4 syllables
- Heredia
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