Syllables Rhymes Quiz
How many syllables in culprit?
562784139 syllablesDivide culprit into syllables: cul-prit
Stressed syllable in culprit: cul-prit
How to pronounce culprit: kuhl-prit
How to say culprit:
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"culprit." How Many Syllables, n.d. Web. 21 November 2024.
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Syllables Rhymes Quiz
What rhymes with culprit
2 syllables
- a bit
- admit
- backfit
- befit
- bushtit
- cesspit
- cockpit
- cut it
- dimwit
- dog it
- firelit
- gaslit
- gill slit
- hack it
- hard-hit
- house-sit
- lit crit
- mess kit
- mishit
- mosh pit
- no-hit
- omit
- outwit
- peewit
- pinch-hit
- press kit
- refit
- rough it
- Sanskrit
- snake pit
- stock split
- sunlit
- tar pit
- tight-knit
- tomtit
- turnspit
- two-bit
- unknit
- watch it
- well-knit
- acquit
- armpit
- base hit
- bowsprit
- catch it
- close-knit
- commit
- demit
- do it
- emit
- fleapit
- get it
- godwit
- half-wit
- henbit
- legit
- make it
- misfit
- moonlit
- nitwit
- obit
- outfit
- owe it
- permit
- Prakrit
- pulpit
- remit
- sandpit
- scratch hit
- starlit
- submit
- switch-hit
- tidbit
- to wit
- transmit
- twilit
- unfit
- warp knit
- weft knit
3 syllables
- cool it
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