A vs. An

  • Use A if the next word starts with the sound of a consonant.
    • examplesa toy & a book
  • Use A if the first letter of the next word is vowel but the first sound is a consonant.
    • when "o" makes the same sound as w in work
    • when "e" makes the same sound as the y in yes
    • when "eu" makes the same sound as the y in yes
    • when "u" makes the same sound as the y in yes
    • examplesa unicorn, a universe, a one man show.
  • Use An if the next word starts with the sound of a vowel.
    • examplesan apple, an orange, & an arm
  • Use An if the next word starts with a silent 'h', followed by a vowel.
    • examplean hour

Source:   www.A-or-An.com



Source:   www.A-or-An.com

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