Punctuation >> Hyphen Examples
Hyphen Rules
Define Hyphen
- A symbol represented by: -
- Used to link two closely related words or word parts
- Used to indicate a missing or implied element
- Used to divide words into syllables
Rule 1
- Combines two closely related words or word parts
- example: spot-check
- example: pre-check
- example: good-looking
- Using a hyphen indicates that the words have a combined meaning
Rule 2
- Shows that there's a missing or implied word
- example: Which parking pass did you get, short- or long-term?
Rule 3
- Shows the syllable divisions in a word
- example: The syllable division for beautiful is: beau-ti-ful.
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Fun FactThe letters in ‘spoon-feed’ are
in reverse alphabetical order.
Punctuation >> Hyphen Examples
- My mother-in-law is here.
- My father-in-law's name is Jack.
- He asked me to spot-check his work.
- She is very good-looking.
- beau-ti-ful
- syl-la-ble
- learn-ing
- read-ing