
How many syllables in theory?

  432917568 syllables

Divide theory into syllables:   the-o-ry
Stressed syllable in theory:   the-o-ry
How to pronounce theory:   thee-or-ee
How to say theory:

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"theory." How Many Syllables, n.d. Web. 20 September 2024.

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Synonyms for theory

1 syllable
  • guess
  • scheme
  • law
  • thought
2 syllables
  • concept
  • model
  • premise
  • system
  • construct
  • notion
  • surmise
  • tenet
3 syllables
  • assumption
  • idea
  • principle
4 syllables
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The word “alphabet
comes from Alpha & Beta.
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What rhymes with theory

1 syllable
  • year
    2 syllables
    • beery
    • cheery
    • dreary
    • Erie
    • leary
    • pirie
    • weary
    • bleary
    • deary
    • eerie
    • kiri
    • leery
    • teary
    • wiry
    3 syllables
    • Amiri
    4 syllables
      5 syllables
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      To, Too, 2, and Two?

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