Senryu Rules

  • A senryu must be exactly 3 lines.
  • Like a Haiku, a senryu must follow the 5-7-5 format:
    • The first line must have 5 syllables.
    • The second line must have 7 syllables.
    • The third line must have 5 syllables.
  • A senryu focuses on humans and usually contains irony.
    • It usually focuses on human nature.
    • It is not written about nature or the seasons.
  • A senryu does not have to rhyme.

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Fun Fact
Queueing is the only word that
contains 5 consecutive vowels!


A Beautiful Senryu
He makes me feel great
The best part is yet to come
I feel beautiful
Goodbye Haiku, Hello Senryu
Now I feel so great
My first senryu I wrote
Goodbye haiku, bye
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